A story that might be a good human interest story would be the vaccines for corona. Everyone these days are waiting desperately for corona to end. Talking about a vaccine might give them hope, and it would be nice to see how the scientist and doctors truly care for the people. Maybe encourage them to wear the masks until the vaccines come out?
Both use energy sources to create ATP
- Autotrophs and heterotrophs must use energy in the form of ATP to synthesize organic compounds.
- Autotrophs and heterotrophs are both living organisms that require some form of food to get energy.
- However, autotrophs make their own food via photosynthesis or some other similar method. Heterotrophs get their food by eating autotrophs or other heterotrophs.
S-shaped growth curve(sigmoid growth curve) A pattern of growth in which, in a new environment, the population density of an organism increases slowly initially, in a positive acceleration phase; then increases rapidly, approaching an exponential growth rate as in the J-shaped curve.
Primary consumers are those that are herbivorous - they only eat producers. Primary consumers are the link between the base of an ecosystem's chain food - where simple substances are transformed into organic compounds by photosynthesis or chemosynthesis - and the upper layers - where energy is obtained from, mostly, other animals.
If primary consumers were not found in an ecosystem, all other layers of the chain food on that ecosystem would be nonexistent. The ecosystem would only be made by producers.