American Revolution, also called United States War of Independence or American Revolutionary War, (1775–83), insurrection by which 13 of Great Britain’s North American colonies won politica
Which period? But if it's about the 1960's here : What was happening in Europe in the 1960s?
In the Sixties, the Soviet Bloc began to show signs of disintegration. Yugoslavia, Albania, and Czechoslovakia all rebelled against Russian rule.
hope it helped?
Because if it's an emerging global city, it's growth would not be declining.
Mills vs. Board of Education was a lawsuit filed against the District of Columbia in the early 70s. The lawsuit was on the behalf of 7 disabled children who were denied access to a public school education because it was thought that their needs were too great for them to be able to be educated in a public school setting (it was also said by the Board that it would be too expensive to educate them).
1000 MI. Long from Chang'an to Dunhuang