Each gene occupies a specific position on a chromosome. Because genes provide instructions for making proteins, and proteins determine the structure and function of each cell in the body, it follows that genes are responsible for all the characteristics you inherit. These pair up to make a total of 46 chromosomes.
article 2
Article Two of the United States Constitution establishes the executive branch of the federal government, which carries out and enforces federal laws.
No, this is false!
Renewable resources can be syntesized by humans, or not: some of them can, and some can't. This is not what makes them renewable, instead it's the fact that they will still be present in the nature after usage - they will be replaced (the sun will still shine tomorrow even if we harvest its power).
Immunoglobulins can be described as antibodies that are found in blood and other bodily fluids of humans and other vertebrate animals. And their major function is that they help identify and destroy foreign substances such as microbes such as bacteria and protozoan parasites.
They are known to be produced by produced by plasma cells (white blood cells).
Immunoglobulins are classified into five categories: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG and IgM. And are distinguished by the type of heavy chain they contain. IgG molecules possess heavy chains known as γ-chains; IgMs have μ-chains; IgAs have α-chains; IgEs have ε-chains; and IgDs have δ-chains.
In this case, IgE is the immunoglobulin that attach to and sensitize mast cells and basophils.