they all die and suffer a horrible unimaginable torture in hell with cats eating them from the eyes then tails then feet then left to bleed out in the name of Jesus
I think it is quite an interesting idea to allow parents to 'design' their children before birth. Because some people have preferences and those preferences are taken very seriously. I wouldn't want to have a baby boy, I would want a baby girl. Although, this could be a waste of money and time because this might be one of the things that are better not to be fixed even if it isn't broken. But, this can also be good, if you desperately need a child with specific features, this can help. Even if I can't seem to find a reason where a child is supposed to have specific features.
adrenaline may be the answer.
Antibiotics killed the bacteria that cause infection but they can also kill beneficial bacteria . thus Ms ABC developed a yeast infection and diarrhea after course of antibiotics because antibiotics distrub natural balance of beneficial bacteria in her intestine.