Answer: To answer this I shall list the 12 Principles of Joint Operations, briefly explain them and state their relevance to the above scenario.
Military action should be directed against a clearly defined objective.
This is LEAST relevant here because the goal is to maintain the peace in the country and so more detailed objectives are not really needed.
This is the mobilisation and synchronization of combat power to strike a specific place at a specific time thereby achieving results. It is LEAST RELEVANT here as the mission is to maintain stability instead of striking at an enemy.
Striking fast and hard to achieve the results needed instead of maintaining defensive action. This is LEAST RELEVANT here as the mission is to maintain the peace as opposed to striking.
Striking at a time and place where the enemy will be least prepared for a strike. It can end conflicts quickly. it is LEAST RELEVANT here because the Joint force is maintaining the peace and as such there is no need for a surprise attack.
This is the movement of combat power to gain strategic and positional advantage. It is LEAST RELEVANT here because peace keepers have to keep the peace by sometimes even placing their selves in vulnerable positions. They therefore cannot exploit maneuverability.
This is the preparation of uncomplicated plans to ensure a speedy end to conflict because participating forces are clear on what needs to be done. It is LEAST RELEVANT here because the Joint force is involved in an insurgency and Insugences generally have no simple way of ending. They can be very complicated.
Here the goal is to prevent unnecessary use of force and by extension collateral damage. It is MOST RELEVANT here because unnecessary use of force could only serve to escalate the already deteriorating situation.
This principle states that forces should be able to be patient to see the conflict to the end. It is MOST RELEVANT here because as this is an insurgency, it requires a lot of patience because insurgencies are known to take time due to the irregular tactics of the insurgents.
Actions during war must be legal and moral. It is therefore MOST RELEVANT here because not unlike RESTRAINT, immoral and illegal actions will escalate the situation.
Measures must be taken to protect personnel from the enemy by reducing vulnerablities. With the insurgent use of irregular warfare tactics to exert their influence, including the use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and ambushes on peace-keeping forces, Security is MOST RELEVANT and measures should be taken to protect the Joint force.
This principle posits that all personnel should be deployed in an effective way so that no division has no purpose. It is MOST RELEVANT here because Peace Keeping missions require very delicate handling and the most efficiency.
The forces involved must be united for a single purpose so as to achieve that purpose. Seeing as the Peace Keeping force is multinational, this principle is MOST RELEVANT because a way needs to be found to unite these different people into an effective unit with one goal and purpose.