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Answer: b. Muscles
A metazoa is a division of animal kingdom that includes all animals expect protozoa and sponges. Metazoa division includes multicelluar animals, which exhibit highly differentiated cells. They have muscular and nerve system and well coordinated tissues and organs. Locomotion requires a coordination activity of muscular, skeletal and neural system. It is mainly achieved by contraction and relaxation of muscles that occurs due to specialized muscle proteins named as actin and myosin which receives signals from nerves.
Hence, locomotion in metazoa is due to contraction of muscles.
Just like humans and other animals, pathogenic bacterias also has the capability to evolve.
These pathogens usually come to life as soon as they enter a host. When you use antibiotics, the majority of them will die, but several of them could survive.
When these survivals replicate, it will creates more bacterias that has higher immune towards antibiotics compared to normal bacteria
celenterato è un animale invertebrato acquatico di un phylum che comprende meduse, coralli e anemoni di mare. Di solito hanno un corpo a forma di tubo o di coppa con una sola apertura circondata da tentacoli che recano cellule pungenti.