There is not an only path in the process of turning an idea into a law at federal and state levels of government, however, the most common path is exemplified as follows:
1. You write your state or federal senator about your idea.
2.The Creation of a Bill. Members of the House or Senate draft, sponsor and introduce bills for consideration by Congress.
3. Introduction of Legislation - A Member of Congress can submit a bill for introduction at any time during a Chamber's daily session.
4. Committee Action - The bill is referred to the appropriate committee by the Speaker of the House or the presiding officer in the Senate
5. Floor Action - The bill goes to the House for action.
6. Resolving Differences Between the House and Senate Versions
7. Presidential Action. ...
8. The Creation of a Law.
Aspects of a study conducted of cars in a certain country will be to determine the general traits of consumer buying and motorists. This could include: whether a car runs on diesel or electricity to gain information for a survey on pollution of motor vehicles; also, size of a car, the frequency of use, the purpose of use, how old a car is and how many passengers are generally seated in the car. All of these factors can be used to glean invaluable information for the automotive industry, as well as for scientific studies and governments.
Answer: True
Explanation: Perception always depends on a diverse multiplicity of factors, such as context, culture, society, etc. We are going to perceive depending of what we were told, taught, our beliefs, our culture so an altered state of conciousness might be seen as another thing according to who is perceiving it.