Textile industry
They were the first to industrialize.
Answer: amygdala, which is associated with negative emtions
Solomon Asch´s lab experiment meant to study conformity generated a negative emotion in the subject: anxiety or fear of being different. The amygdala is in charge of processing positive emotions such as joy, and negative feelings such as fright and stress. Furthermore, two distinct groups of neurons are genetically designed to process memories of either frightful or enjoyable experiences.
Answer:A heuristic
A heuristic technique is the way in which we use a short cut to solve a problem or to make a decision by using practical reasoning which may not be logical or rational but still which is sufficient for us to make a quick decision or resolve an issues immediately or reach a short term goal. It helps us find a satisfying solution as quickly as possible.bit take away all the process of having to think deep. Heuristic can be a trial and error or an educated guess or using Intuition or just plainly common sense.
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