Isotopes are variants of a particular chemical element which differ in neutron number (neutral particle)and all isotopes of a given element have the same number of protons (positive particle) in each atom.So isotope B of the sodium will have 11 protons, 11 electrons but it may have a wide range in its number of neutrons.
A part of the definition of binary fission is "splitting in half." It is an asexual form of reproduction, one turns in to two. This is choice B.
Fossil fuels and green house gases which burn holes in the ozone layer of the atmosphere causing global warming
The reason for the loss of color after the industrial revolution is that the light-colored moths were "selected against" by predators. These birds could only see the light ones against the newly dark, sooted background. Over time, these predators could no longer distinguish the dark ones from their natural dark, sooted background. Thus more light-colored moths stood out against the dark soot, and were eaten. And more dark-colored moths eluded the birds, survived to reproduce, passing on more of their dominant genes for dark color to their offspring. After several decades of hundreds of thousands of generations, most of the later generations were dark, due to selective advantage of camouflage to survive predation.
B.Evolution, natural selection
Charles Darwin is known as the "Father of Evolution" because he proposed the idea of evolution by way of natural selection.