Charles Darwin was the man who came with the theory of natural selection. He witnessed finches within the Galapagos Islands and made notes on the similarities and differences of the finches across the group of islands. Each of the islands comprises finches, which were identical, however distinct in different ways.
Darwin found that the finches appeared to vary on the basis of the food sources available on each of the islands. If the prime food were seeds, the finches seemed to possess thicker beaks in order to break the seeds so that they can consume them.
On the other hand, if the prime food sources were insects, then the finches seemed to exhibit smaller and pointer beaks so that they could hold the insects readily. In this way, there is unity in diversity. All of these birds are finches and exhibited a common ancestor from which they have originated into the distinct species as mentioned.
Their variations lie in the habitats, in which they now inhabit. They had to amend with their environments in order to thrive, thus, offering diversity to unity.
When blood is in the lungs,
where oxygen is plentiful, oxygen easily binds to the first subunit and then quickly fills up the remaining ones. Then, as blood circulates through the body, the oxygen level drops while that of carbon dioxide increases. In this environment, hemoglobin releases its bound oxygen.
Most athletes' regular diets provide ample protein. Even if there is an increased need for protein in a particular sport, the increases are easily met by their typical diet. Intakes of additional protein beyond the recommended levels for athletes' does not increase strength or enhance performance.
He had a bacterial infection, but then developed an allergy to the antibiotic.
You list the references in order of the last name of the author. For instance a book by Zachary Adam would come before a book by Adam Zachary. (Just an example)
Adam, Zachary. "Works Cited Example 1." Place of Publication: Publisher, Year.
Zachary, Adam. "Works Cited Example 2." etc.