In a cornfield, only one plant species has dominated the area, that is the corn plant. While in a natural meadow, multiple species of plants occurs of different species. The presence of the different types of plants in the meadow will interact more number of insects in it as compared to the corn field. This will lead to more interactions among the different species in a natural meadow. The greater biodiversity of the natural meadow than the cornfield will support it better.
In case of any natural disaster, or a pest attack, all the plants will be killed in a corn field and so will the insects dependent on them, but in a natural meadow, if one plant species is killed by a natural disaster, other will still be alive. Hence, the ability to survive is greater in natural meadow.
Gene flow.
When individuals migrate, alleles can be transferred from one population to another population which is known as gene flow. Gene flow is also called gene migration, the introduction of genetic material through interbreeding from one population of organisms to another which changes the composition of the gene pool of the migrated population of organisms. This gene flow creates a new species that is different from previous population of organisms
Answer: Kinetic Energy
Kinetic Energy is energy in motion, while Potential Energy is stored.
photosynthesis is the process that producers go through to make food using sunlight.