Genotype is the entire set of genes inherited by and heredity is the observable properties that come from genetics
Bromothymol blue is an indicator for weak acids and bases.It is used to observe photosynthetic acvtivities and for respiratory indication.
Blue Bromothymol indicator will turn to green then to yellow when CO2 is added.When O2 is added, no effect is noticed in the Blue Bromothymol because Oxygen doesnot affect the pH.
In a summary, the color indication follows;
- Yellow-to indicate acidic
- Green-for neutral solutions
- Blue-for alkaline solutions.
If the electron transport system did not work, electrons from PSII would not be transferred to PSI. Ferredoxin would then have no electrons to transfer to NADP+ so NADPH would not be produced. This would also affect the light-independent reaction of photosynthesis because NADPH is needed in this reaction.
Edgenuity's Answer.
Is a proposition that has not been empirically proven yet, and that attempts to describe or justify a system or phenomenon.