The answer is D because it is the only example that takes place over a long period of time.
Answer: Catalase is a common enzyme, found in nearly all living organisms. It catalyses hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen and protects organisms from free radicals It also has industrial uses to prevent certain contaminants in food and as a disinfectant for contact lenses and a cleansing agent in some other products.
This wasn't helpful im sorry
Two-thirds of a cell is water, which means that two-thirds of your whole body is water. The rest is a mixture of molecules, mainly proteins, lipids and carbohydrates.
Above 30 degrees farenhieit or 0 degrees celcius there would be rain below there would be snow
tRNA-precursors were smaller than the modern tRNA and their primary function was to participate in the formation of new structures by joining two or more RNA molecules.
The adaptor hypothesis is the explanation of how information could be extracted from a nucleic acid into a string of amino acids in a specific sequence. The proposed explanation involved recognition between the adaptor (today tRNA) and the template nucleic acid .