The distance traveled by Joe in feet is 39,372 ft:
The conservation factor from km to Ft is 1 km = 3280.84 feet.
* In order to convert the value-form km to ft then we multiply the given value of the length by 3281.
*We are given that:
*Distance traveled by Joe = 12km
*Distance in feet = 12×3281
*Distance in feet = 39,372 ft
**Thus, the Distance traveled by Joe in feet is 39,372 ft.
Specialized structures such as
1. The brightly colored flowers attract insects that transfer pollen from the anther to the stigma of another plant.
2. The scented smell of flowers and their nectars also attract insect and other pollinators to them.
Reproduction refers to the way by which plants and animals produce offspring or their types. Pollination, which is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the same or another flower is a vital way by which plants accomplish this.
Structures of plants such as their brightly colored flowers, the nectars produced by them, as well as their characteristic smells attract pollinators to them that, in turn, aid reproduction.
in the nucleolus of the cell
The parachute on a dandelion makes it easily transportable by AIR.
The parachute helps in creating air resistance, and helps the dandelion to glide through the air. The presence of the parachute also plays an important role in the dispersion of its seeds.