I believe Rome's major downfall was its fall of commerce and trade.
Because Rome's roads were not maintained and cared for (they had a lot of robbers and natural barriers) the trade began to decline. This must have played a major role in the decline of Rome.
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The legend of Stingy Jack goes as follows:
Stingy Jack, a miserable drunk, encountered the Devil on a few occasions. He tricked the Devil into not taking his soul a few times, the last time making him promise that he would not take it even when he died. After Jack died, he was refused entrance into Heaven because of his drinking and deceitful ways. He then tried to gain entrance to Hell, but the Devil kept his promise of not taking Jack's soul, and would not let him enter. With nowhere else to go, The Devil sent Jack back to Earth to roam without a final resting place with just the light of an ember from the fires of hell to light his way.
extrinsic feedback
The type of feedback that the coach is giving the player is known as extrinsic feedback. This type of feedback is when provided from external sources, during or after the individual's or team's performance. This includes things that the performer can see or hear. Such as in this scenario, the coach sees something wrong with the player's form and tells the player during his performance so that the player can make the necessary changes and improve.
I pursue learning about the PA profession by being inspired by behavioral and health sciences. I was fascinated to assist those who are ill or in need of some form of treatment. As I will continue through my academic career I got certain opportunities to help and volunteer in a medical mission. It is my passion to help my physician helping also others who are sick.