Hey there!
When we're adding with different denominators, our goal is to keep the equivalent fraction, but create like denominators.
Let's think of an easier situation. If we have the number 5 and we want an equivalent number, we multiply by one. It's no different with fractions. We want to multiply by some version of one, like 2/2 or 4/4
For example, if we have:
2/8 + 4/6
Our LCM is 24. Therefore, we multiply 2/8 by 3/3:
2/8(3/3) = 6/24
And 4/6 by 4/4:
4/6(4/4) = 16/24
As you can see, we multiplied by versions of 1, so they're still the same fraction.
We have:
16/24 + 6/24 = 22/24 = 11/12
Hope this helps!
Step-by-step explanation:
If we have two coordinates on a line (x1,y1 =1,2) and (x2, y2 =3,6) we can solve for m as follows. (x2,y2) 6=m3+c - (x1,y1) 2=m1+c
The answer is 13/15.
2/5 = 12/30
2/3 = 20/30
12/30 + 20/30 - 6/30 = 32/30 - 6/30 = 26/30 = 13/15.