Www stands for world wide web
A web designer/developer is responsible for the design, layout and coding of a website. They are involved with the technical and graphical aspects of a website and how the site works and how it looks.
- A content writer/editor creates and revises the text that visitors read when the visit a website, choose a link, image, video, or other media that enhances your text content.
- A web artists/graphic designer's responsibility is to create original art, such as logos, stylized typefaces, and avatars, and props for virtual 3-d worlds.
- A web designer's role is to create webpages that combine, text, images, and links using tools such as markup languages; CCS, HTML, and WYSIWYG editors.
- Web programmer/database developer's job is to script languages such as, JavaScript, ASP, PHP, and MYSQL and must plan, create, secure, and maintain databases of varying complexity.
- Web Administrator assumes all roles, including creative, high-tech, and oversight. May oversee a web development team that includes technical and creative roles.
<span>Polymorphic message
Methods in different classes with a similar function are given the same name.
- Makes classes easier to use because programmers need to remember fewer method names.
- Employed as much as possible.
- Polymorphic message ex. is the toString method.</span>
Because the return type of the function is void. void means does not return any thing.
The syntax of the function:
type name( argument_1, argument_2,......)
in the declaration the type define the return type of the function.
it can be int, float, double, char, void etc.
For example:
int count( int index);
the return type of above function is int. So, it return integer.
void count(int index);
it return type is void. So, it does not return any thing.