velop the logic for a program that accepts classified advertising data, including a category code (an integer 1 through 15) and the number of words in an ad. Store these values in parallel arrays. Then sort the arrays so that the records are sorted in ascending order by category. The output lists each category number, the number of ads in the category, and the total number of words in the ads in the category. Using the following pseudocode. Thank you.
// Pseudocode PLD Chapter 8 #7a pg. 366
// Start
// Declarations
// num MAXADS = 100
// num adcatcode[MAXADS]
// num adwords[MAXADS]
// num curCode
// num numads
// num i
// num j
// num k
// num subtotal
// num temp
// output "Please enter the number of ads: "
// input numads
// if ((numads > 0) and (numads <= MAXADS))
// for i = 0 to numads - 1
// output "Please enter Advertisement Category Code (1 - 15): "
// input adcatcode[i]
// output "Please enter number of words for the advertisement: "
// input adwords[i]
// endfor
// for i = 0 to numads - 2
// for j = 0 to numads - 2
// if (adcatcode[j] > adcatcode[j+1])
// temp = adcatcode[j]
// adcatcode[j] = adcatcode[j+1]
// adcatcode[j+1] = temp
// temp = adwords[j]
// adwords[j] = adwords[j+1]
// adwords[j+1] = temp
// endif
// endfor
// endfor
// output "Total Word Counts Sorted By Category Code"
// output "========================================="
// k = 0
// while k <= numads - 1
// subtotal = 0
// curCode = adcatcode[k]
// while ( (curCode == adcatcode[k]) and (k <= numads - 1) )
// subtotal = subtotal + adwords[k]
// k = k + 1
// endwhile
// output "Category: ",adcatcode[k - 1], " ","Word Count: ", subtotal
// endwhile
// else
// output "Number adds requested less than 1 or is too large; ad limit is ", MAXADS
// endif
// Stop