The evidence suggests that these chloroplast organelles were also once free-living bacteria.
The endosymbiotic event that generated mitochondria must have happened early in the history of eukaryotes, because all eukaryotes have them.
Contour plowing, the contour lines of the terrain are being traced, and curves are considered the contour lines in this instance. Contour plowing is always done parallel.
as the living organism grow, it's as a result of cell division
pollution levels in the atmosphere
One negative impact of increased production of goods is the increased levels of pollution in the atmosphere.
Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances into the environment beyond levels that are safe for life. The materials are the pollutants.
Production of goods or manufacturing generates a lot of waste with it. Air pollution is easily attributable to manufacturing.
Green house gases from combustion of fossil fuels to drive industrial processes generally leads to climate change.
Smokes and dusts can be produced by industrial processes and when scattered about causes pollution
Bacterial flagellum is composed of protein flagellum which looks like hollow tube. It passes through protein rings (basal body rings) in the cell's membrane that act as bearings. Flagellum is long, filamentous and it rotates via motor which is located on the inner cell membrane. The motor is powered by proton motive force (flow of protons through the membrane due to a concentration gradient).