a. Types of computer software used in a database management system. =Qualitative
b. Life-lengths of laser printers =Quantitative
c. Brands of calculators used by 100 engineering students on campus =Qualitative
d. Mileage attained by 12 automobiles powered by alcohol= Quantitative
Step-by-step explanation:
Data is described as quantitative when it deals with numeric values whereas qualitative data is categorical in nature. Quantitative data tells us how much, how many, or the frequency of occurrence of certain variables. Qualitative data provides answers to the what, why, which, and where questions.
1. Types of computer software are not numeric variables as they answer the 'what' question.
2. Length deals with numbers, so the life-lengths of laser printers is a quantitative variable.
3. Brands of calculators are categorical data and are thus qualitative.
4. Mileage is a numerical variable and is thus quantitative.