A reflex, or reflex action, is an involuntary and nearly instantaneous movement in response to a stimulus. ... The reflex is then an automatic response to a stimulus that does not receive or need conscious thought.
caused my animals and transfers to humans
Some similarities between a sea slug and a spotted salamander:
1. They both reproduce in a water source. For sea slug oceans, while for Spotted salamander, mostly ponds.
2. They both lay eggs meaning they are oviparous.
The sea slug is an aquatic animal without a bony skeleton. Spotted salamander have a bony skeleton with a similar resemblance to that of a lizard in shape but are diffferent in color, they are amphibians
. TRANSCRIPCIÓN: Cuando en la secuencia de ADN aparece una C, las ... de ADN, el ARN que se sintetice será una molécula complementaria ... (proteínas), uniéndose a una región cercana al sitio de inicio: TAC. ... partir de la cual debes completar la hebra complementaria, el ARNm, ...