Pressure with Height: pressure decreases with increasing altitude. The pressure at any level in the atmosphere may be interpreted as the total weight of the air above a unit area at any elevation. At higher elevations, there are fewer air molecules above a given surface than a similar surface at lower levels.In addition, gravity is weaker at the equator due to centrifugal forces produced by the planet's rotation. It's also weaker at higher altitudes, further from Earth's centre, such as at the summit of Mount Everest
Animals making the territory with example Lion, Tiger, hyena among others
Animals marks their territory through secretion of pheromones, some makes sound, it is a form of behavioral act that allows to protect ones territory or boundary
One option is that the samples run through gel electrophoresis is too small to be recognized (shorter strands of DNA travel further through the gel and larger strands travel shorter). The other option in that the restriction enzyme did not cut the DNA in the proper spot or there was a mutation in the bases that allowed for a mistake in the cutting; that is why there are 800 base pairs in one sample (that's a lot) An example of a mutation is that lets say the restriction enzyme was supposed to cut at the second G in GGACC. But if that G was turned into an A, then the restriction enzyme wouldn't cut there.
For number 5, you might have 800 because of the restriction enzyme cutting it wrong, a mutation that allowed for the cutting to not take place, or a fault in the sample taking.
I am an AP Biology student right now in Wisconsin. I just finished that worksheet this morning :) anymore questions just hit me up
One explanation could be the differences in climate (environmental factors). The climate in northern Mexico could support the reproduction of the mosquito species, which is a vector of the dengue virus. Other environmental conditions that influence its endemicity could include living conditions and sanitation. The other possiblity could be that the people in the US have developed immunity for the disease, therefore, are unaffected even when infected by the virus.