the author’s full name
the book's title
the place the book was published
the book’s publisher
the year the book was published the format
All of these are needed for MLA format for a book, except for the number of pages in the book and the address of the author. You never need to know the number of pages in the book or the author's address. It's as simple as that.
You just need the author's name, book title, where the book was published, who published the book, and when the book was published.
I don't see the passage, but the meaning of inept is
A clumsy, incompetent person — or an ineffective action — is inept. When you're inept, you don't know what you're doing or just can't get it done.
Someone inept is bumbling, clueless, and ineffective.
Inept people are dumb or clueless; they don't understand things.
than that, inept people are bad at what they do. An inept lawyer always
loses cases.
An inept figure skater wipes out on the ice. An inept
postal worker loses mail and puts it in the wrong box.
An inept person
is downright bad at something. The opposite of inept is competent.
Hoped I helped!
Mildreds choice to not tell montag about clarisse was insidious because the fact that Mildred forgot to tell montag about Clarisse death emphasizes their shallow, meaningless relationship as well as mildred’s ignorant , insensitive personality