I know them in Spanish
Esta formado por los 206 huesos repartidos por casi todas las partes del cuerpo. Que permiten el aparato locomotor Que pueden ser largos, cortos, planos Que forman el esqueleto y proteccion para los organos internos Que se unen en tejido oseo, y tejido cartilaginoso Que son la columna vertebral, craneo, y pelvis
I believe the warmer the heat is the molecules will speed up and the cooler the molecules are the slower it'll be
addresses change depending on the cells you copy to them
The moon
Most nocturnal plants, animals and insects, like moths, use the moon as their guide through the night. This is why insects are attracted to light in the nights
offline medical direction
It is also called "Indirect" medical direction.
It is issued by Med Director allowing EMTs to give particular
medication and perform certain procedures without speaking to another
physician. It is a type of medical
oversight where control include
emergency care improvements.