Answer: Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis are all dramatic examples of geological events.
If a family did not have a female heir then all wealth would pass to the nearest male relative. This explained why the goal of every Greek wife was to produce a male heir. Boys used to cut their hair and offer to gods before becoming men. The men were expected to keep their bodies in shape because they could go to war at any time.
so that you would know what views are on each side and the shape of the describes that we are outside the earth surrounded by water
C. Bases
Deoxyribonucleic acid, commonly known as DNA, is the a type of nucleic acid that serves as the genetic material in living organisms. DNA holds information or instructions needed for the synthesis of useful products like proteins that is responsible for growth, reproduction, and general survival of organisms. Hence, it is referred to as the "BLUEPRINT OF LIFE".
However, in the structure the of the DNA molecule, it contains certain monomeric building blocks called NUCLEOTIDES. These nucleotide bases are of four types namely: Adenine, Thymine, Guanine and Cytosine. It is upon these order of nucleotide bases that instructions, or 'code', in our DNA is dependent upon.
B. It is False
hope this answers your question : )