The line from which Helen grey implies that the author thinks physical beauty is not the most valuable quality would be “but so you miss that modest charm; which is the surest charm of them all” there’s no focus on any physical attribute but instead on the modesty of Helen grey
If your thinking about creating a book, then create a scenorio and characters in your head and just let your mind expand on its own. Get ideas from other books, study different types of characters and personalites, and there's a bunch of websites too that can generate some ideas for you :)
A topic is what the paper is about, a theme is sort of how a story is set. For example, maybe my topic is danger, so I use that through the theme of snow
there were many people who faced adversity and became heroes.
The novel is a story-within-a-story. Creech writes about Sal's road trip to Idaho with her eccentric grandparents, and during the trip, Sal tells her grandparents about her friend Phoebe Winterbottom and the disappearance of Phoebe's mother.