Substitutes are goods where you can consume one in place of the other.
The prices of complementary or substitute goods also shift the demand curve. When the price of a good that complements a good decreases, then the quantity demanded of one increases and the demand for the other increases.
The people at the bottom of the social structure were slaves
Answer: Organizers
Explanation: An individual who is described as an ESTJ (Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging) on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator can be best described as an organizer.
ESTJ personality type accounts for almost 8-12 percent of the general population, and it is the second most common type among men.
ESTJ is an acronym for
Extroverted. Being extroverted means that the ESTJ prefers to focus externally.
Sensing. Being a Sensor, the ESTJ pays more attention to facts and details rather than ideas, concepts and feelings.
Thinking. Having a thinking style means that the ESTJ relies on objectivity and logic rather than feelings.
Judging. Having a judging orientation means that the ESTJ personality type prefers structure and organization.
have kids? hubby, and house responsibilities, who comes 1st in your life??
friends, or you, with children usually come first..friends come last on list. focus on your family. friends disappear, and dont want to hear about your problems..
getting away for brief moments focuses on self improvements, building lasting friendships, and doing things that consider yourself, and "friends" makes way for better communication with spouse...