Retinopathy develops in patients with diabetes mellitus because of Retinal ischemia and red blood cell aggregation occurrence.
Anyone with diabetes can develop diabetic retinopathy.
Diabetes Retinopathy is caused by high blood sugar due to diabetes, having too much of sugar can damage retina.
At start of this, it might cause no symptoms or only mild vision problems. but longer can cause blindness.
as the time passes, too much sugar in blood leads to the blockage of the tiny blood vessels that nourish the retina and cuts off its blood supply.
and the eye attempts to grow new blood vessels. but they don't grow properly and can cause leakage.
Complications of retinopathy include blindness and also vitreous hemorrhage, Retinal detachment. and Glaucoma.
To prevent the risk, one should Manage your diabetes, monitor your blood sugar level and also keep BP and cholesterol under control.
To know more about diabetes retinopathy,
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Aqui começa a trajetória do bebê dentro da barriga da mãe. Neste momento ele é uma minúscula bolinha formada por centenas de células que se multiplicam freneticamente. Quando essa bolinha de células (chamada blastocisto) se assentar no útero, a parte dela que se transformará na placenta vai começar a produzir o hormônio da gravidez (gonadotrofina coriônica humana, hCG). O hCG é o hormônio detectado nos testes de gravidez.
ECG paper is a grid where time is measured along the horizontal axis.
Each small square is 1 mm in length and represents 0.04 seconds.
Each larger square is 5 mm in length and represents 0.2 seconds.
Voltage is measured along the vertical axis.
10 mm is equal to 1mV in voltage.
The diagram below illustrates the configuration of ECG graph paper and where to measure the components of the ECG wave form
Heart rate can be easily calculated from the ECG strip:
When the rhythm is regular, the heart rate is 300 divided by the number of large squares between the QRS complexes.
For example, if there are 4 large squares between regular QRS complexes, the heart rate is 75 (300/4=75).
The second method can be used with an irregular rhythm to estimate the rate. Count the number of R waves in a 6 second strip and multiply by 10.
For example, if there are 7 R waves in a 6 second strip, the heart rate is 70 (7x10=70).
In the given scenario, icd-10-cm code reported is H02.423.
What is icd-10-cm code?
The ICD-10-CM is a morbidity classification developed by the United States that is used to classify diagnoses and reasons for visits in all health care settings.
Upper eyelid drooping is caused by a muscle disorder (myogenic). Look for Ptosis/eyelid in the ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index, which states to see Blepharoptosis.
Look for Blepharoptosis and you'll be directed to H02.423, where the sixth character indicates laterality.
The sixth character of three stands for bilateral. There is only one code for both eyelids, not two separate codes.
This, this should be the icd-10-cm code.
For more details regarding icd-10-cm code, visit:
medical literature is the scientific literature of medicine