╲┣━━━━━━┫ the orange cheeto man
pretty sure its textiles??
What is the process of shaping?
When someone is taught a behaviour or words that they haven't grasped or learnt yet that is known as shaping, it is also called successive approximation.
A person is walked through the steps towards the target behaviour by reinforcement of this behaviour little by little along the way until they reach the targeted behaviour.
The behaviour is broken into small successive pieces or part which are approximately closer to what the intended behaviour looks like.
Some behaviours are not just learnt but need to be taught and shaping is crucial for that.
A baby may need assistance in learning how to walk and slow by slow process can be used until the baby can walk on her own this step by step of installing this behaviour to a child until the baby walks is known as successive approximation
Knowing the child's weakness and strength may assist in knowing which steps to take in order to teach them something new especially for children who are in schools.
Abolitionism was outlawed in the South and it was not possible to send abolitionist publications, such as the Liberator to the South by post. <u>Postmasters would manually remove all the abolitionist mail</u>, while possession of abolitionist publications could lead to being publicly whipped.
South was outraged and terrified with the ideas of abolitionism and tried to keep them out for as long as was possible, though, of course, ideas do not circulate only in printed form.