i. Maize seed is a monocot seed whereas bean seeds are dicot seed.
(ii) Maize seed only have a single leaf inside, most of the space inside the seed is reserved for endosperm but bean seed have two leaves, both of which store and provide food to the seedling in absence of endosperm.
(iii) Corn seeds (maize) germinates in three days but bean seed takes seven days to germinate.
Die is two, mono is one
Our interconnected neurons help us process different types of information. Synapses are the gaps between neurons. <span>When an impulse reaches the end of one axon, it is now an action potential. This electric signal cannot leap across this gap so as to speak. Special chemicals called neurotransmitters have this role to be possible. The best answer is thus neurotransmitters. </span>
Answer: hydrolysis of intermediate palmitoyl Co A ,with loss of labeled CoA.before reaching the matrix gives the answer
This is because when the labeled Coenzyme A of the Plamitate combines as Palmitoy-CoA with oxaloacetate to form intermediate (palmitoyl-CoA )in Citric Acid cycle:
CoA is hydrolysed with loss of the labelled CoA which returns to the cystosol. Therefore, the labelled CoA does not reach the matrix of the mitochondrial,but returns to the Cystosol.
Consequently, the CoA in the Cystosol will be labelled in palmitoylCoA and the one in the matrix of the liver mitochondrial will be non radioactive(,will not labelled).
D. is correct: Koalas evolved after trout.
(A is false, B is also false bc amoeba are unicellular, C is false too, they are definitely not in the same class)
Answer is C Anaguzman is right i was wrong so i put up this so as not to confuse anyone.