I’m pretty sure this is a capital crime, I’m not sure why it’s not an option
Except when reaching an intersection with a green light
they would want to be able to do anything that they possibly want to do.
for many examples:
get all the money that they could want
get in the military without having to go through many things
be able to have everything in the world free..
ect..i hope this helps
Most because getting out of jail/prison don't really know what to do with themselves after leaving because it's hard for them to adjust your life choices. most places of work won't hire you and it becomes harder to do stuff like buy a house or apartment. so most people do what they did best before prison. Do illegal business
Redistricting is the process whereby state legislatures redraw the boundaries of congressional districts in the state after the decennial census to make the districts equal in population size. State legislatures are responsible for completing this process.