4 2 5 i’m sorry if wrong that’s what i think the answers are
The Building of Tenochtitlan About 1325, the Aztecs began building a capital city on the island in Lake Texcoco. They called the new capital Tenochtitlan (tay»nohch«teet»LAHN). In some ways the place said to be chosen by Huitzilopochtli was a good one. Having water all around made the island city easy to defend against attack.
Around 179,000 African American's fought in the civil war.
The Great Society ideals seemed inconsistent with the escalating war in Vietnam
Political Leaders on the left are primarily Doves (Anti-War/Pro-Peace) so, if you are esclating a war in Vietnam to gain the rights for freedoms of people in Saigon while an African American still has to pay a poll tax to vote how can you reconcile the two?