It is the second one because you are talking about you wanting to save money
1. Hola, me llamo *your name* (Hi, my name is *your name*)
2. Me cepillo los dientes (I brush my teeth)
3. Antes de cepillarme los dientes, me baño (Before I brush my teeth, I shower)
4. Después de cepillarme los dientes, me visto (After I brush my teeth, I get dressed)
Un vehículo con ruedas que se mueve de manera independiente, con al menos tres ruedas, accionadas mecánicamente, dirigidas por un conductor y principalmente para transporte personal; Un automóvil o automóvil.
Every morning Carlos and his brother goes to school while his parents go to work. Their mom works in an office and dad works at the school as a teacher. After school Carlos goes to the gym and he goes swimming. Not only does he like swimming but also playing basketball. He also studies a lot at the library.