The tree created a great hindrance to traffic as it lay across the road.
A.The fairy tale would rely more on plot events to express theme while the poem would emphasize key images or repeat key words or phrases.
A theme is the central message an article or literary work is trying to pass across.
A fairy tale is typically a story that involves magic and imaginary stuff that is usually written for children.
A poem on the other hand is a piece of literature that expresses ideas, thoughts and feelings with the use of literary devices for heightened effect.
Therefore, a fairy tale might express theme differently from a poem by using plot events to display theme while a poem would likely employ literary devices such as repetition, or emphasis on key images.
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Correct? ^
The lesson I believe the writer is trying to convey in the The L0st Dog is fairly on the nose; 'to never lose hope on something you don't know 100%. In paragraph five and six the protagonist is seen running from a group of aforementioned men, barely escaping he end up reunited with his friend Rose, ending the story with the line "[...] Never give up hope on something you haven’t found."
Now I didn't 'explain' 'cause It'd sound redundant but if you want or need to, just add on with '...which means' or ''s an example of,' et cetera.
- Something along those lines at least =)