Cliques are part of a larger social network.
According to social sciences, a clique is a group of people that interact one another and have similar interests.
This social phenomenon is most seen during adolescence, because each age tend to represent a social group, a clique. In addition, cliques are often formed by similar social status, or ethnicity, or by stereotypical characteristics, as being athletes, nerds or outsiders.
So, all those characteristics make cliques part of a larger social network. Mainly because these groups are formed inside a complex social system, bigger and away from simplicity and interacting with cliques is part of the social development.
A multi-sport event is an organized sporting event, often held over multiple days, featuring competition in many different sports among organized teams of athletes from (mostly) nation-states. ... Games are held over the course of several days in and around a "host city", which changes for each competition.
produce sound when they come together and then vibrate as air passes through them during exhalation of air from the lungs. This vibration produces the sound wave for your voice. In order for the sound to be clear and not raspy or hoarse, the vocal folds must vibrate together symmetrically and regularly