Distributive justice, also known as economic justice, is about fairness in what people receive, from goods to attention.The principle of fairness is also found in the idea of fair play (as opposed to the fair share of distributive justice).Retributive justice works on the principle of punishment, although what constitutes fair and proportional punishment is widely debatedThe first thing that the betrayed person may seek from the betrayer is some form of restitution, putting things back as they should be.
Voice Recognition Technology.
I don’t have two things I have one I would lower prices because someone people are not that wealthy as others so when they get sick or catch something they can’t go get help because they can’t afford it they want to say help every body but won’t help people because you want get money out of it that is just totally wrong.
Culturing of microbial organisms allows experts to determine what type of organism is present and at what conditions it abundantly exist. This is an essential tool to determine the cause of contagious/infectious disease so that experts will have a clear understanding how to combat it.