I belive it is the civil war
The Mughal Empire began to decline in the 18th century, during the reign of Muḥammad Shah (1719–48). Much of its territory fell under the control of the Marathas and then the British. The last Mughal emperor, Bahādur Shah II (1837–57), was exiled by the British after his involvement with the Indian Mutiny of 1857–58.28-Aug-2021
1605–1627), Sikhism came into conflict with Mughal laws, because they were affecting political successions of Mughals while cherishing saints from Islam. Mughal rulers killed many prominent Sikhs for refusing to obey their orders, and for opposing the persecution of Sikhs.
Heliocentrism <span> is the </span>astronomical<span> model in which the </span>Earth<span> and planets revolve around the </span>Sun<span> at the center of the </span><span>Solar System....i think
1. the great society
2. domino theory
3. a book of law
4. 32 days
5. woodrow wilson
6. abraham Lincoln, for a device to lift boats over shoals
7. ronald reagan
8. lee harvey Oswald
9. herbert hoover ( hoover-ball)
10. John f Kennedy, he was 43
11. preident barack obama
12. abraham Lincoln
13. 456
14. 3 dogs
15. Jefferson davis and john Calhoun