That is Math you put the category English
Answer: Peter appeared to be a really hard working person that had a high paying job. He lived in a penthouse with the best view in the city because of his job. He had a job at Microsoft as an engineer. The CEO was really proud of him and the great job he was doing, so he gave him a assignment to make the latest computer. What the CEO didn't know is that Peter didn't really do any of the work that he claimed to. Peter would go to and pay this black market computer genius to make these designs and models. His name was Lucifer, the man from the black market. Lucifer wanted to get more pay and was tired of getting no credit from Peter. Peter emailed Lucifer about this new computer model and he email back to meet him at the Ally way 666. Peter, who was very unsuspecting, decided to go along with the plan. Peter, foolishly, decided that it would be a good idea to try to under pay Lucifer. This was a huge mistake. Upon seeing that Peter did not bring all the money as promised, Lucifer said ¨ This is the last straw, you give me no credit, ignore me when I need you, and now you are trying to underpay me! I am going to make your life very difficult.¨ Peter pleads with him but it was to no avail, Lucifer turns around and storms away. Lucifer emails the CEO, telling him how Peter does none of his work for himself, and the CEO is flabbergasted! How could his most trusted employ do that to his company? He had given him a job when Peter needed one, had become friends with him, and he turns out to be a shifty lowlife bottom feeder who only knows how to take others answers. He fires Peter, takes Peter to Court on accounts of plagiarism and wins. Peter is now buckled down with fines, rent fees, paying for grocery, electricity, and so much more. Peter has to go to get a job. But one job will not be enough to pay for everything. He couldn't afford the penthouse anymore and had to move to a ramshackle apartment in the slums. He had to try to get one job when he really needed ten to pay for everything. He tried and failed numerous times, when finally he got a very, very, low paying job with awful working conditions. He got two other jobs as well, also with horrible working conditions. Even with three jobs, he had barely made a dent on all the money he had to pay. He went on living like this for years and years, in a constant state of exhaustion, mental anguish, and hunger. He was working and working until the day he died. Lucifer came to his funeral and smiled as he said ¨ The devil makes work for idle hands.¨
Answer by YourHope:
Hi! :)
Question: Which sentence uses a demonstrative adjective that points out something near?
Answer: B)These light bulbs need to be changed!
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Answer: A ottoman
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