Liver- a vital organ only found in vertebrates which detoxifies various metabolites, synthesizes proteins and produces biochemicals necessary for digestion and growth. In humans, it is located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, below the diaphragm.
There won't be any Photosynthesis occurring and plants and tress will eventually die.. When the plants die the omnivorous animals will die of hunger..... Also we will be suffering from famine
The turtles were super turtles and were named the teenage mutant ninja turtles
It’s proven
65.Food Shelter and Protection
66. a particular section, group, or type of people or animals living in an area or country.
67. a community of animals, plants, or humans among whose members interbreeding occurs.
68. Rainfall is a limiting factor because not alot of areas get water around here.
69. Individual, Species, Organism