B.by incriminating both black and whites
The city of Galveston adopt the commission system of government because city government was unable to handle recovery efforts after a hurricane.
Answer: Option D
The commission system of government consists of a legislative body which takes the responsibility of imposing and collecting taxes. Apart from this there are commissioners assigned for roles like public works and safety.
This was done to ensure a mix of legislative and executive mix of governance. This originated in Galveston, Texas after the hurricane in 1900. Before implementing this system, it was first tested and later implemented. This was followed by other cities taking up this system.
It would be an "(E) Agreement by North and South Vietnam to hold free elections" that was not part of the 1973 Paris Peace <span>Agreement signed between the United States and Vietnam, since the United States didn't have control over the political nature of North Korea's future. </span>
Jefferson was afraid of the costs of loose construction of the powers delegated to the national gov’t in the Constitution
<span>Due process of law is a constitutional guarantee that prevents governments from impacting citizens in an abusive way. In its modern form, due process includes both procedural standards that courts must uphold in order to protect peoples’ personal liberty and a range of liberty interests that statutes and regulations must not infringe. It traces its origins to Chapter 39 of King John’s Magna Carta, which provides that no freeman will be seized, dispossessed of his property, or harmed except “by the law of the land,” an expression that referred to customary practices of the court. The phrase “due process of law” first appeared as a substitute for Magna Carta’s “the law of the land” in a 1354 statute of King Edward III that restated Magna Carta’s guarantee of the liberty of the subject.</span>