It becomes more alkaline where pH will be more than 8
Only certain species ofmosquitoes of the Anopheles genus—and only females of those species—can transmitmalaria. Malaria is caused by a one-celled parasite called a Plasmodium. Female Anopheles mosquitoespick up the parasite from infected people when they bite to obtain blood needed to nurture their eggs.
A species is a group of organisms capable of mating and producing offspring. This is another way of saying that a species is reproductively isolated.
In the question stated above, it is very likely that the patient is facing receptive or sensory issues. This is clear when he mistakes one stimulus for another. This might be because he sees one thing but can not distinguish it for another, or he's having problems differentiating one tactile stimulus for another. Either way, the system compromised is the patient's sensory system.