The ratio of compressions to rescue breaths, 30:2, is the same for children as for adults
Barriers were categorized into one of seven categories; lack of time, lack of social influence, lack of energy, lack of resources, lack of willpower, fear of injury and lack of skill. Furthermore, the questionnaire included 15 questions for barriers to healthy diet.
They need to have a q system perspective in order to work.
Disabled individuals receive more discrimation because they are deemed to be less able to do basic tasks. People who hold prejudices and are judgemental allow a barrier to build around disabled people, because they associate them with a lack of mental ability. In this sense, disabled people are almost inferior in their surroundings because they are open to labels.
Furthermore, some are unwilling to hold faith in disabled people because they believe that they are incapable of understanding their environment the same as non - disabled people. Unfortunately, some have the notion that the dis abled are weak and eccentric, which is a driving force for stereotypes and mockery.