These preparations are called Vaccines. A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular disease. A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing micro-organism and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins or one of its surface proteins.
Anthocerophyta, Bryophyta, Hepatophyta.
Non vascular plants are defined as the plants which contains phloem, and xylem without the vascular system. They are containing simpler tissues which are specialized for internal transport of water.
They include bryophyta, hornworts (anthocerophyta), liverworts (hepatophyta) mosses, and some algae. Non vascular plants reproduce with the help of spores, and do not produce fruit, and flowers.
D. guard cells.. this is answer i think..
The moment where the nuclear envelope forms at each pole spindle dissolves chromosomes uncoil is called Telophase.
In the eukaryotic cell, telophase is the final stage in meiosis and mitosis. In this step, the effects of prophase and prometaphase are reversed. This is the forth stage and a nuclear envelope forms at each pole. The spindle dissolves and the chromosomes uncoil, cytokinesis begins. The cell continues to enlogate.
For your body to cool down one method is to sweat.
Explanation: Your sweat glands release sweat, which cools your skin as it evaporates. This helps lower your internal temperature