Now a days, due to technological evolution we have modern and advanced devices than we have a 100 years ago. These devices and equipment like a DNA analyzer used in forensics have made it easier to analyze the victims DNA in no time. Not only these devices are fast and efficient but are also very accurate and help us get better and better results as the days of technological evolution are passing by....
Independent variable: Glass of milk
Dependent variable: Time of sleep
Control variable: same type of milk
Independent variable in an experiment refers to the variable that the experimenter manipulates or changes in order to get a response in another variable (dependent). In this case, the independent variable is the GLASS OF MILK taken before bed.
Dependent variable is that variable that is measured in an experiment. It is the variable that responds to the changes made to the independent variable. In this experiment, the dependent variable is the TIME OF SLEEP of the students.
A control variable or constant is the variable that is kept unchanged throughout the course of the experiment in order not to alter the outcome of the experiment. In this experiment, a control variable can be the SAME TYPE OF MILK taken by each student.
Bulimia, which is defined as an emotional disorder involving distortion of body image and an obsessive desire to lose weight, in which bouts of extreme overeating are followed by depression and self-induced vomiting, purging, or fasting.