Bladder is an internal organ, which is mainly made up of smooth muscles. The contractions of the smooth muscles are not under voluntary control. The contraction of these muscles are directed by brain, without any external control.
The autonomic nervous system is a part of nervous system, which is responsible for regulation of the all the conditions, which occur involuntarily. It directs the movements of all smooth muscles.
Hence, the movements of the bladder are controlled by the autonomic nervous system.
a. True
Coevolution is a biological process where pairs of species or among groups of species reciprocally affect each other's evolution through natural selection. This process produces genetic changes in the traits of interacting species that are a consequence of reciprocal adaptation between these interacting taxa. Coevolution occurs when species are ecologically intimate (i.e., they interact with one another), such as the interaction between hosts and parasites or predators and prey.
Grana, thykaloids and storma are components found in the chloroplast within plant cells