an emotional appeal
An emotional appeal often referred to as pathos, it is a psychological method of persuasion that's designed to create an emotional response.
Identified by Aristotle, aside logic and authority, emotional appeal seek to change an audience member’s emotions by using manipulative words to brings about the recipient’s emotions rather than valid logic to win an argument.
Hence, in this case, the coach is relying on emotional appeal to sway and charge his team players to victory.
Se interpreta esta frase como un saludo de advertencia a la monarquia que apoyaba al sistema y un rechazo total al gobierno. considerando no al jefe de estado si no a todos los colaboradores del mismo como ministros los cuales formaban el aparato burocratico.
Por otra parte al estar las jefaturas de estado divididas por las malas politicas y erradas el rey no corre ningun peligro porque no se le atribuye esta mala gestion.
The correct answer would be Embodied Ethnocentrism. Our sense of familiarity and comfort within our own culture is known as Embodied Ethnocentrism.
When a person feels close association, ease and comfort within his own cultures, this is called as Embodied Ethnocentrism.
For example when a person wears his traditional cultural dresses in his culture and sees other wearing the same type of dresses, he feels comfortable in his attire, whereas if he is in another culture and is wearing his traditional dress and sees others wearing their traditional dresses, he would surely feel discomfort. So this feeling of being familiar and at ease is called as the embodied ethnocentrism.
B. extortion.
In the context of law, extortion is defined as a criminal offence where an offender/criminal obtains something, particularly money or property, through force or violent threats.
If we look into the above scenario, the two criminals have committed a series of offences, however, they did not force nor threat the client to invest his money into their scheme. Therefore, they cannot be charged with extortion by the court.
Instead they would be charged with criminal conspiracy for scheming a fraud, money laundering for transfering the money into their family business to conceal income and deceit for deceiving the man with lies.