I think DeniceSandidge. DNA is made up of molecules known as nucleotide, which are the building block s of nucleic acid. Each nucleotide compose of pentose sugar, phosphate group and four nitrogenous base. The four types of nitrogenous bases found in nucleotide are adenine, guanine, thymine and cytosine hope this helps pls thank me
A) classification of organisms
With the advancement of technology, many plants and animal were re-classified and reversed. For instance due to the advanced light microscope, which had high resolution and magnification, scientists were able to identify the structure of many organisms on a highly molecular level. Whitaker was a biologist who distinguished that fungi was separate from plants because fungi doesn’t have chlorophyll. Similarly there are so many evidences that resulted in the re-classification of organisms.
Lambdoid suture
The parietal bones are two bones, located above the temporal, behind the frontal and in front of the occipital. The occipital is an odd bone of the skull, with important cranial joints and sutures. The lambdoid suture extends through the back of the head. Each parietal bone joins the occipital bone in the lambdoid suture, that is, the lambdoid suture is the joint in the back of the skull that connects the parietal bones with the occipital bone.
A Thermocline is the temperature of water, while Pycnocline is the density of water. Both are a type of ecoline. I'll update if you need more information.