Well I’m not sure if this is the movie top secret of WW2 but whatever it is a journal entry is a 2-5 sentence summary.
Usually, a rubric has the requirements for each set of points. For an example: 5 points for grammar, 5 points for art work added on, 5 points for spelling, and 5 points for story line. She would have to look at the graph of the categories, and try to see the requirements and make sure to go beyond the requirements to get a top score
Stupidity is when you know you'll get run over by a car if you run in the road, but you do it anyway. Ignorance is when you're being not very smart about something you don't know much about. Ignorance has two meanings. You can either be ignorant about something you know, or ignorant about something you don't know.
Answer: Humor great stress reliever because it releases cortisol and epinephrine along with endorphins which make you happy and can reduce physical pain.Laughing strengthening our immune system by releasing antibody- producing cells which protects your body.Laughing is the reaction of the motor region of your brain becoming active.
TAREAS GRAMATICALES SOBRE LOS PASADOS1. Con estas unidades vamos a aprender tres tiempos del español: el pretérito perfecto (he sido), el ... Como has visto en la Tarea 2, para formar el perfecto en un verbo se usa el presente del ... 4. Como leer se conjugan los verbos que terminan en –eer: proveer, etc.