By not having more offspring.
There are many ways of reaching a zero population growth, but some of them are 0% ethical. But, if the population stops having offspring, there won't be a population growth, instead, the population will decrease in number.
- In 2017 the country with the biggest population was China, and the country with the biggest population growth in that same year was South Sudan, with a 3,83% population growth, according to statista and IndexMundi
- Currently, in 2019, China still is the country with the biggest population, and, as for the highest population growth this year, we will only be able to say with 100% certainty when the year ends.
Hope it helped,
Our star—the Sun—is a bubbling, boiling ball of fire. See Picture 1 to the right. It constantly belches out great clouds of hot gas. This gas is all charged up with electricity, too. This stuff travels at astounding speeds, some of it right toward Earth! This means that Earth’s weather happens inside the Sun’s weather!
Thank goodness Earth’s magnetic field (see Picture 2) and atmosphere protect us from most of this blast. Otherwise, the Sun’s weather would be OUR weather. Yikes!
However, we are still affected by the Sun’s atmosphere and its violent activities. We call this part of our weather “space weather,” because it comes to us through space from the Sun.
Each upward movement of the basilar membrane causes the stereocilia of the inner hair cells to bend, opening K+ gates.
Should be A. Species have changed over time.
Topiramate is the drug which might be responsible for this malformation.
Topiramate is an anticonvulsant drug which is taken alone or with other drugs to prevent and control epilepsy. Topiramate is produced in four forms and are all taken by mouth. Topiramate has many side effects which include birth defects if is taken during pregnancy, osteoporosis, vision loss, nervousness and upper respiratory tract infection.