In this case, you want to divide the total distance (1,256) by the amount of distance travelled each day (314).
Think of division like I do, using A, B, and C. It may sound confusing at first but labelling them is quite easy.
My equation would go something like this: A x B = C Or: C = A × B (or B x A) Then: C ÷ B = A (or A = B)
A is the amount of distance travelled per day and C is the total amount of distance travelled. We need to find B, which is the number of days it took to drive 1,256 miles.
Plot it like this: 314 x B = 1,256
By that point, you start dividing like the equation I mentioned before. C ÷ A = B 1,256 ÷ 314 = B
If you calculate it the right way, you should get a solid 4 as the answer.
The equation will look like: 314 x 4 = 1,256.
The process I explained may sound a bit complex, but it's actually much simplier. Just plot A, B and C, and make an equation that makes sense with multiplication and division.